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Chiara Lionel Salim

Psoriatic Disease Ambassador

Chiara Lionel Salim

At 9 years old, I was diagnosed with life-threatening erythrodermic psoriasis. Over many years, I have gradually realized how profound its impact has to my life; physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially. I was shunned and inevitably felt ugly & undeserving comes as a by-product from the low awareness of psoriatic disease in Indonesia. People assume I’m contagious or that I am cursed with black magic. Added with the pain from psoriasis itself, I was constantly drowning in darkness.

But I came to a point in my young-adult where I realized I have the power to turn this around. Just by simply starting to choose to no longer be a victim and speak up, I can reframe. Since then, I use my platform to change these mindsets, creating understanding of psoriasis and uplifting fellow warriors to be able to hand-in-hand learn to live better with psoriatic disease.

Healthcare wise, it was a challenge to just simply seek a diagnosis. When doctors in my own country couldn’t help me, I traveled to Singapore to seek care. Moved to Malaysia for my university degree and now I live and work in Tallinn, Estonia. I have experienced the medical systems in all these countries, and lived through such a stark difference of healthcare access in a third world vs. first world country.

Now I am finally consistently on biologics to help soothe my erythrodermic psoriasis and growing PsA. I continuously learn to accept and love myself with psoriasis, and thrive in life with it.

Examples of Chiara's Work

Age: 25

Location: Tallin, Estonia (originally from Jakarta, Indonesia)

Types of psoriatic disease:

  • erythrodermic psoriasis
  • plaque psoriasis
  • psoriatic arthritis
  • inverse psoriasis


  • English
  • Bahasa Indonesia

Hire Chiara

Contact camille.lancelot@ifpa-pso.com to learn more.


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