Good Care

For Psoriatic Arthritis

Recent progress in understanding the course of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) has lead to breakthroughs in therapies. Yet the needs of many people living with PsA are still unmet. Through this project, IFPA aims to join forces with rheumatologists and the patient community to raise awareness of new treatment guidelines, and ultimately improve quality of life for people with PsA around the world.

Webinars and Podcasts

webinar Care and Treatment

Key Updates GRAPPA Guidelines for PsA

webinar Care and Treatment

Good Care for PsA with Joel Nelson

Social Media


Social media toolkit advocating for the Good Care campaign


Good Care Campaign project Logos & Images

This project is supported by

UCB Pharma has provided financial support through an unrestricted grant for the delivery of the First phase of the Psoriatic Arthritis Awareness project, also known as the "Good Care for the Psoriatic Arthritis" Project. UCB Pharma had no influence or input over the content, including the selection of project members and the development of all associated assets, such as videos, podcasts, and articles. The support from UCB Pharma was solely in the form of an unrestricted grant.